About Us

The Greater Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce has its origins dating back to 1899 and has operated under various names and structures in its more than 100 years of existence.
The Cumberland County Business Council (Chamber) was formed in March of 2003 to streamline and coordinate the efforts of the Fayetteville Area Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Development Corporation and the Fayetteville Area Economic Development Corporation.
In July of 2008, the Fayetteville-Cumberland County Chamber of Commerce was formed.
In 2012, the Fayetteville Area Economic Development Corporation and the Fayetteville Regional Chamber divided into two separate organizations and the Greater Fayetteville Chamber name was adopted, with our organization serving as a catalyst in growing a healthy business community through our advocacy of business-friendly public policy, fostering of diverse innovative business initiatives, and delivering valuable programs and services to our members — all made possible through strong collaborative partnerships.